يحتوي هذا القسم على أهم المعلومات حول التداول مع إنستافوركس. نحن نقدم كلاً من التحليل من كبار الخبراء للمتداولين ذوي الخبرة والمقالات حول ظروف التداول للمبتدئين. ستساعد خدماتنا في زيادة أرباحك المحتملة.
هذا القسم مصمم لأولئك الذين بدأوا للتو رحلة تداولهم. ستلبي المواد التعليمية والتحليلية المقدمة من قبل إنستافوركس احتياجاتك التدريبية. ستجعل توصيات خبرائنا خطواتك الأولى نحو نجاح التداول بسيطة وواضحة.
تعد خدمات إنستافوركس المبتكرة عنصرًا أساسيًا في الاستثمار الإنتاجي. نحن نسعى جاهدين لتزويد عملائنا بقدرات تقنية متقدمة وجعل روتين التداول الخاص بهم مريحًا حيث إننا معترف بنا كأفضل وسيط في هذا الصدد.
الشراكة مع إنستافوركس مفيدة ورفيعة المستوى. انضم إلى برامج الشراكة الخاصة بنا واحصل على مكافآت وعمولات وفرصة للسفر مع فريق العلامة التجارية المشهورة عالميًا.
هذا القسم يحتوي على العروض الأكثر ربحًا من إنستافوركس. احصل على البونصات عند تعبئة الحساب ، وتنافس مع المتداولين الآخرين ، واحصل على جوائز حقيقية حتى عند التداول في حساب تجريبي.
العطلات مع إنستافوركس ليست ممتعة فقط ولكنها مفيدة أيضًا. نحن نقدم بوابة شاملة والعديد من المنتديات ومدونات الشركات ، حيث يمكن للمتداولين تبادل الخبرات والاندماج بنجاح في مجتمع الفوركس.
إنستافوركس هي علامة تجارية دولية تم إنشاؤها في عام 2007. تقدم الشركة الخدمات في مجال تداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت وهي معترف بها كواحدة من شركات الوساطة الرائدة في العالم. لقد فزنا بثقة أكثر من 7,000,000 من متداولي التجزئة الذين أعربوا بالفعل عن تقديرهم لموثوقيتنا وتركيزنا على الابتكارات.
In today’s world, it is getting more and more difficult to live without information about business and politics. In some cases ignorance of politics can be winked at, but being unaware of major financial laws can weigh on efficiency and result in losses not only for companies and households, but also for individuals. Anyway, almost every employed person keeps some savings at home, in a bank, or invests them in various assets. It can be precious metals, shares, and works of art. However, the most popular saving and investment instrument rolled into one is a currency or a basket of currencies.
However, to make the most of a currency as an investment instrument, you need to trade it directly on the forex market with the help of a world-renowned broker like InstaForex, not via bank or exchange office. Only a large broker can guarantee the lowest possible difference between the bid and ask prices (spread) and provide you with the most accurate quotes possible and instant execution of orders. In fact, currency trading is the most affordable and efficient way of making your money work for you. Thus, you multiply your savings by buying some amount of currency and then selling it at a higher price.
Trading forex, you have not only the liquid saving instrument – currency, but also an opportunity to make money with currency speculation buying and selling it at a profitable rate. In other words, you have a certain sum of money, part of which can be converted into any other currency at any moment right on the global forex market.
What’s more, forex trading broadens your financial horizons and, consequently, improves other material aspects of your life. To trade successfully, you will need to keep abreast of the latest macroeconomic events and base your decisions on them. In fact, forex trading represents the whole world filled with exciting and interesting things and, which is more, bringing real money.
However, before you start trading, you need to choose a reliable broker. As the forex market is unique, easily-accessible, and presented by the huge number of brokers, a reliable one should be working for at least 3-4 years and have impressive client base. Only such a broker is considered trustworthy having beneficial trading terms and providing state-of-the-art products and services. InstaForex is the broker that has been operating on Forex for the seventh year. Its overall number of customers rose beyond one million two years ago. Currently, the number of InstaForex loyal traders tends to 1.5 million. It was InstaForex to roll out the range of unique services including PAMM accounts, InstaWallet, Forex options trading, and ForexCopy, the system for copying successful trades.
In short, all traders from novice to professional will find in InstaForex everything they need. The company provides the best trading terms; biggest bonuses among all brokers; most useful and groundbreaking trading software products; widest range of contests and campaigns with a prize pool of more than $1 million. It also offers unparalleled information content which is regularly updated. InstaForex has responsive and professional support service that will not leave you with the problem but will do everything it can to help resolve the matter. Having bookmarked InstaForex website, you will keep the whole currency market at hand. InstaForex will be the perfect forex broker for you whatever country you are from and whatever language you speak. No matter what experience or how much money you have, the broker will help you turn your efforts into substantial profits that will one day outpace your regular monthly earnings.
Magnify your returns by trading on Forex; InstaForex will help you do it properly and effectively.
Singapore Business Review Magazine, April 2014 Back